The KSL Early Help Offer
At Kirkdale St Lawrence CE we offer the following support to all of our families:
- Access to school-based family support worker
- Free breakfast club for all children
- Morning collection by school minibus for targeted children with breakfast provided when they get off the bus
- Trauma informed practise in school
- Access to sensory rooms for children
- Early signposting to outside support agencies
- Monthly Big Breakfast events
- Emergency food/fuel vouchers
- Additional nursery hours for children with outside agency involvement
- Provision of uniform/clothing for residential trips
- Subsidise trips/residential holidays for all pupils
- Open door policy for parents to access staff
- Half-termly coffee mornings with agency support
- Regular SEN drop-ins and ability to contact SENCO for support to complete forms and applications including printing them off and explaining details
- Social Brokers on site to support families with correct access to benefits
- Letters sent home in home languages
- Contact via phone calls and texts to vulnerable families during school holidays
- Pre-loved clothing sales
- Access to Seedlings, MHST and ADHD Foundation therapy within school
- Support from LFC Foundation - learning support and holiday food parcels
- Christmas Cracker Event - school open for all school families to have a social gathering including hot meal, food parcel to take home and pre-loved clothing stalls
- Help and support for parents to complete free school meal applications
- Help and support for parents to complete applications for primary and secondary schools
- Transport to and from sporting and off-site competitions
- Bus tickets to appointments
- Meetings arranged in school with outside agencies wherever possible
- References from senior staff to support passport and residency applications
- Supporting letters to housing associations