What is Seesaw?
Seesaw creates a powerful learning loop between teachers, students, and families.
- Seesaw is a communication tool to communicate between staff and families.
- Your child uses Seesaw learning tools like photo, draw + record and video to create, reflect and show their learning
Seesaw is an online learning platform which we will use to communicate with you!
How do I set this up?
A letter with information about Seesaw, how it will work and how to set up your child's account has been sent home using a QR code link.
- Open the Family app or click I’m a Family Member at
- If you do not have a family account... Click create an account. Scan the QR code and follow the prompts
- If you already have a family account… Sign in. Click your profile icon > Add New Child. Scan the QR code
Please make sure you set up your child's account and communicate with your child's class teacher.
If you have any questions please use this help page
Getting started with Seesaw for Families – Seesaw Help Center
or contact the school office and we will sort this for you!