Braddock (Year 3/4)
Welcome to Braddock Class
It has been lovely to welcome the children back into school! We are looking forward to learning and working together this term. Thank you for visiting our class page. Here you will find all the up-to-date information about everything we get up to in Braddock Class. We are a mixed Year 3/4 class.
Please follow our class twitter to see what we are getting up to each day.
Please see the link below for our autumn term newsletter with information on what we will be learning this term. The Takeaway homework is also available for you to download.
If you have any questions please get in contact with me through the school office.
Thank you
Mrs Islam
You can follow along with our learning journey through Braddock classes's Twitter account:
Class Twitter:
Times tables:
By the end of Year 3 children are expected to have learnt their: 2,10,5,3,4 and 8 times tables. In June each year, Year 4 children are tested on their 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 times tables. Please continue to practise recall of multiplication facts at home and use these websites to support your child with their learning: Times Table Rockstars and
Key Information:
Words will be investigated and learnt during the daily class lessons. Spelling lists will no longer be sent home.
See below the words children in Year 3/4 should be able to spell by the end of the year:
Reading books will be given to children on Fridays. Please return them to school by the following Monday.
P.E lessons:
Braddock Class have PE every Friday. Please ensure that your child comes to school on Friday in school PE kit with a school jumper over the top if they are cold.
Homework will be set every Friday and should be returned to school by the following week.