Sheppard (Year 1/2)
Welcome to Sheppard class
Please follow our class twitter page
Welcome to Sheppard Class
We are a mixed Year 1/2 class who have a very exciting year ahead.
Our class teacher is Mrs Murt, and we have support from Mrs Rogers, and Miss Stasik throughout the day.
Reading is a big focus this year to improve our phonics, fluency and writing. We would appreciate it if you could read with your child daily to ensure they are making progress.
Please follow us on Twitter to find out more about what is going on in our classroom.
If you have any questions, please get in contact with me through the school office.
Thank you
Mrs Murt
Key Information
This year, children will have a list of ten words to practice at home and also a Little Wandle sheet to complete. This sheet will help support the work we are doing in class during our phonics session.
Please read over the sheet a few times to help increase your childs fluency.
Reading books will be given to children on Thursday and expected to return them to school by Wednesday.
Please ensure to read with your child daily.
P.E. lessons:
Sheppard Class have PE every Monday. Please ensure that your child comes to school on those days in the school PE kit with a school jumper over the top if they are cold.
Times tables:
By the end of year 2 children are expected to have learnt the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. Please continue to practice these at home and use these websites to support with their learning:
Online Learning
Useful Websites
Parents and carers, please note that all websites have been checked and deemed appropriate for use by pupils at the time of publishing. However, please be aware that some websites may change their content from time to time.